Necessity breeds invention, and such is the story of the Angler's Ace. Big fingers, limited eyesight, and the need to add tippet resulted in what we would argue is the best blood knot tying tool available. Born on the banks of the Missouri River, within spitting distance of the Deerborn, we at Angler's Ace strive to deliver a convenient, easy to use tool for those fellow fisherman who want to spend less time tying knots and more time catching fish. Our tool will help you consistently create strong knots regardless of weather conditions or physical limitations.
The Angler's Ace is cut on a home-made CNC machine from PVC plastic, turned on a lathe, and assembled by hand. Each piece is produced with jigs and fixtures designed and built by the inventor, a career machinist and lifelong tinkerer. If there are questions or concerns, they can be directly addressed by submitting your question or comment in the contact page. |